Tuesday, November 11, 2008

FHE "The Lords law of Finance"

Here we are divided into groups counting the play money and learning how much to pay for Tithing, and how to fill out the donation slip.
Many learned for the first time what all the other donations go to on the tithing donation sheet. Everyone in the room is first generation members.
We had a great surprise with Carlos and his mom Lisa coming to FHE. Doug had a great visit with Lisa and answered some concerns she has.

Tonight we experienced a miracle. It is our turn to teach the FHE lesson. Doug has been planning the lesson on Tithing. A couple of hours before we were to leave he got really sick. The antibiotic medication he is taking for the temp. implant makes him very nauseated. Thus, he was not feeling well at all 20 minutes before it started. We always have to leave early to pick up two different families. He couldn't get out of bed. So I took off to pick up the families and planned on trying to give his lesson. Just as I pulled into the church parking lot, the elders came out and said that Doug had called them and said to tell me when I arrived to go back and pick him up he was feeling better. The Lord blessed him instantly, as he gave a great lesson and was able to chat with a new convert who has been struggling with this concept. They had a great visit and the Lord truly blessed him.

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