Tuesday, November 25, 2008

update from Monticello

After district meeting, Elder Miller (our zone leader), Elder Gale and George followed us down to Sparrow bush where we have been cutting and splitting wood so we can cut down a tree the wind blew over and got lodged into another tree. Sister Fuller is worried about it falling on her house. Here the guys are trying to get the chain saw unstuck. PUSHHHHHHHH!!
This tree was so unusual. It was rotten at the base, hollow. It had twisted from the wind and had blown over into another tree. Around the base where it was rotten, it was kind of petrified. Weird!
Doug had to cut it 5 times before it fell over. It was lodged so tightly into the tree it had fallen on. The elders split the wood once it was cut into rounds.
We helped get these heaters for the elders down in Middletown. They haven't had heat in their place for the past 48 hours and it has been darn cold. After the Zone football game we took them the heaters and Doug and Elder Wilkinson tried to figure out how to get the boiler furnace in the basement working. Thank goodness the "Real" plumbers came and fixed it.
P-day Zone Football game. The field was muddy, the air crisp and cold, but the "boys" gave it their all, a lot of male testosterone floating around. I'll bet there was many sore muscles and bones for the next couple of days. I know that Doug came back with a sore knee. Below, district meeting activity, volleyball off the walls and ceiling. A fun game.
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1 comment:

Susan said...

Glad you got some new heaters. Ben said it was 28 degrees in his apartment! I'm not to sure about that he does like to exagerate! He said that they just about burned down their apartment with a heater that burned oil. I'm happy they survived. Thanks for posting the pictures Ben looks like he and the other missionaries are having a blast. He also said that they are getting some great contacts and working hard. Thank you for all that you and your husband are doing.
