Saturday, May 7, 2011

After hours fun!!!

Elder Brunson brought up 4 of his hourses for the missionaries to ride when they are with the trek groups going over the "National Historic Site" - "NHT". The churches agreement with the BLM says that we will have escorts with our trekking groups when they are on the "NHT" Anyway we have the choice to walk, ride our bikes we brought with us or ride horses. The horses for the next month need to be taken out to get used to the trail, the water crossings etc. We went with Elder Brunson and Elder Henry for an afternoon ride. Elder Henry was on Brownie and was bucked off twice. Once when Elder Brown was bucked off just before our ride. As a true cowboy he climbed right back on and went for a ride with us. Half way thru our ride Brownie bucked him off again. This time he did a face plant right in a dried up cow pie. In the picture above, Elder Brunson is trying to ware down Brownie abit before Elder Brown climbs on again. We sure appreciate Elder Brunson kindness in bringing his horses. We hope to have the opportunity several times to ride his horses.
I rode Trajillia. She is the oldest of the 4. She is a very laided back horse. No trouble. We rode for a couple of hours and went thru 7 water crossings. Never a problem. It was a great time for Doug and Me.
Doug was on Bonnie. Bonnie had just dumped Elder Brown right before we went for a ride. They didn't get very far when he was bucked off. He hurt his shoulder and back. So they were done and we chose to go. Doug really had no problem. She got a little anxious when we came upon some cows from behind some willows.

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