Wednesday, May 7, 2008

T I C K E T #!+$^_**&_#$!+*& (I mean #12- but who is counting)

This is not a driving or parking violation. Have you ever had a ticket for "Loose Rubbish Property"? We called the number 311 which you call if you have any kind of question.. It goes to the city of New York offices and they will answer any question or direct you where to go to get answers. We asked them about putting bulk items out for trash day. We cleaned out the garage and have things that need to go. They said we could put all bulk, big furniture items and things out on Saturday for our normal delivery day. And that was that. So we did. We had some of the Elders come over and help get things out to the curb. There was an old entertainment center, a old twin hospital bed and frame, a head board, and a dresser. The drawers to the dresser were stacked on top of the dresser as it made it lighter.

Early Saturday morning I watched as the trash truck came by. Here in New York, it is the law that you have to recycle. So three trash trucks come by. One for plastic stuff, one for paper items and one for regular trash and bulk items. Everything was taken except the entertainment center and the shelves that were stacked in a box next to the box filled with broken down boxes. The paper trash truck guys flung the box of shelves on the ground when they were getting the boxes full of broken down boxes, scattering the wooden shelves on the ground. As I watched this happen, I called 311 and told them that the trash men left the entertainment center and the shelves. They told me to leave it right where it was and wait until the next day and then I could file a trash complaint. If we moved the stuff we couldn't file a complaint. So we left it and went on with our day. On arriving back home late that afternoon we found a ticket taped to our front door stating we had "Loose Rubbish Property", and had to pay $100.00. We called back up 311 and told them about the ticket. They told us that we were only allowed to have 6 total bulk items out at the curb at a time (this was the first time that was ever explained to us) and that because the shelves where not secured together and laying loosly, that is why we got the ticket. I told them I watched the trash men scatter them on the ground when picking up other trash, that we had them bundled together in a box. Their reply: "Sorry, you'll have to go fight that in court." **#@*&*%#@&*%%!@#^%!!!!!!!! That is what I have to say about that!

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