Visiting with our Dear Friend, Elizabeth Roman
We met Elizabeth when we were in the Bronx. She had called the number she saw on the TV and was requesting a bible, and so excited to think that missionaries would deliver it to her. We found her living in a nursing home, in such awefull circumstances. We started teaching her. We helped her get to church several times. She was working with Bishop Brignoni as she had to take care of some old sins. Just as we were transfered to Monticello, she ended up going into the hospital. We turned her over to our replacements, the Formans. After being in the hospital a couple times she was moved to another nursing home, which was the best thing that could have happened to her. A much better place for her. This move, moved her into the Kingsbridge ward. We received a call from Elder Huckstep, who was just transfered out of our Zone up here in Monticello, to her area. They looked her up and she told her new elders about us. Sooooooo, we have kept in touch with her thru them. Elizabeth is doing great. We had the wonderful opportunity to go and see her yesterday. She was so excited to see us, as were we to see her. We helped her purchase this dress she is holding up to her, so she can wear it to church. She was like a kid at Christmas time. A tender mercy to this story is that she has met a nurse that works night shifts at the nursing home who is a member and goes to her ward. They have late night scripture study sessions and chats. She has saved transport money so she can take the 'Assist-a-ride' van to church for the past two weeks. We love you Elizabeth and will be to your baptism that will be soon. We are so proud of you. A big THANKS to Elder Huckstep & Elder Schiller, may the Lord bless you for sharing your time and testimony, and teaching Elizabeth. They took their Bishop, Bishop Kelly, to visit Elizabeth last Sunday. This was a great thing, as she now will be working with him so she can be baptized. We know what the Elders feel like when they work with someone, teaching them and then get transfered before the person gets baptized. The important thing to remember is that the spirit is the one that converts the investigators, not the missionary. So it doesn't matter who does the teaching as long as they have the spirit with them.
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