Tuesday, January 13, 2009

A little of This n That

First of all, I want to say that I can't believe it is the 13 of January 2009. We have had a very busy first couple of weeks starting this new year off. It has been very cold here in our little corner of the vineyard. Some days we have been lucky to get up into the 20's. But, icy rain, wind or snow will not deter Doug from driving on the roads. He comments daily how he loves his car, it's abilities and how he is so impressed with his new snow tires. It is just like a big white snow mobile.

We have been blessed with the opportunity to be in many members homes and share with them a message catered to them and their concerns. A dinner appointment with the Roberts family was a bit of home. Erik Roberts is a hunter. Of course Doug and he get along very well. He fixed a Venison Roast for dinner that was to die for. Different from how I fix it, as I like to slow cook it for several hours. But the way he fixed it, it was very tasty. They live up in the hills in a little town called Livingston Manor. They get about 2-3 more inches of snow than us. Doug really had fun driving in the snow storm as we left their home on Saturday night.

We have been down to the city, seen Doug's Dr, (monthly visit which allows us the opportunity to be in the city.) This go around we had to search out a pharmacy that had the specific brand of medication that Doug takes. It was a rough last month trying a different brand, that noticeably did not work the same. All of you back home need to know how blessed you are to be able to drive up to the neighborhood pharmacy and have no problems filling your prescriptions. Many of the places we called or tried to find in our car, didn't even carry that medication and could not order it. Finally, we found a place in Middletown, just 30 miles away from where we live that carried the brand and would be happy to keep stocked in it for us monthly. We are grateful for the tender mercy shown to us by the Lord in this area.

We were blessed to be able to attend the temple this last week end. We love the temple and so miss serving there weekly. Every time we walk thru the doors, it totally amazes me how reverent, quiet and heavenly it is. The busy, noisy outside world is totally left out side. It is wonderful to see and visit with many we have come to know and love. The Temple Presidency is some of my favorite people. President and Sister Frost, the Rogers, and Grubers. It being Saturday when we went, there were many there that I didn't know. It amazes me how many young couples serve in the Manhattan Temple. Many who are in their 20's. what a blessing it will be in their lives.

We did apartment inspections this past week. When landlords don't return phone calls or fix problems, Doug becomes a jack of all trades. For some reason this cycle many have had problems with their toilets. One place needed their gas stove fixed. We are happy to help and love visiting and being in the Elders apartments. This go around many needed pants mended and hemmed. Elder Spiers takes the prize for the most worn out suit I have ever seen. His has been worn so thin. Very difficult to mend. I have seen many very worn out shoes, but never a suit like Elder Spiers. They are truly wearing them selves out in service. Such a blessing to those they serve and example to me.

The snow storm on Saturday kept many from coming to church. We had 14 people there this Sunday. The speaker didn't show, so at the last minute, Doug asked me to take 15 minutes. Thank heavens for my file box of ideas and messages I had shipped out here. President Murphy is out in Utah for the next couple of months. He is in construction and there just isn't work here, so he is out there working with family for a bit. His wife called right before church and was very emotional, her van is in the shop and her husbands truck he left for her wouldn't start. They live 30 minutes away from the chapel. After church we rode down to their house to help get the truck working. While Doug worked on the truck, we had RS presidency meeting, organizing the Visit Teaching.

Yesterday we car pooled with the Elders and went to York Town for Mission conference. It is always a treat to gather with these saints and enjoy training from them, the AP's and from president Searle. We were also instructed by Elder (Dr.) McIff. The mission doctor and his wife. This is their mission. They cover about 5 different missions here in the north east. They actually go clear up to Nova Scotia. They are based out of Hartford Connecticut and are just starting their 18 month mission. It was nice to get to know them. We so enjoy rubbing shoulders with the other Senior couples. Each has special gifts and talents and all so willing serve and bless the lives of the missionaries they live near and those others they work with. It was interesting to know that probably 70 percent of missionary medical needs are due to stress, depression, anxiety.

It is hard to get excited about going outside when the weather is freezing, the sky is cloudy, the ground is wet, snowy and icy. But we do go forward with faith and pray that we are helping build the kingdom, helping to make a difference here in New York.

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