On our way to do Apartment inspections, we received an exciting phone call from dear friends, Ken and Robin Bowler. "Hey, we are in town visiting Dustin, who is attending Columbia University in New York city, and are on our way up to New England, Boston, and want to stop by and see you and have lunch with you." What a thrill. We enjoyed a wonderful lunch with the Bowlers, Smiths and Brinkerhoffs. Caught up with all the happenings in their world and shared our mission life. The Bowlers have always been such dear friends, close like family, especially as Ken served together with Doug in the Bishopric in our 4th ward for five years. Ken is now serving as Bishop in his new ward in Elko Nevada. We actually have an Elder Wilkinson in our district who is in Ken and Robins ward in Elko. What a small world. Love you all and thanks for thinking about us and going out of your way to share a couple of hours together. (Friends Forever!!!!)
New Friends:
Elder and Sister Forman have just arrived and will be stationed in our Zone. What a blessing they will be to the New Paltz, Kingston area. Our Zone is the biggest geographical Zone in our mission. They will cover the Northern most part of our mission while we cover the Western most part of our Mission. They are Roma and Harold Farnsworth from Seattle Washington area. We had the assignment to find them an apartment to live in while serving. We were blessed to be guided to the place they are in. We love them all ready and have enjoyed getting to know them over dinner last night.
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