Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Mail intruder caught in the action

As we were waiting in the Hospital waiting room, it was decided that Doug go home and get his phone so that we could update Pres. Searle with Elder Doremanns condition. On arriving to our house in "Da Bronx" there was a man with a stick and a piece of gum on the end of it putting it down our mail slot, which is a slot at the base of our front door that the mail man puts our mail. It drops onto the floor right inside the house. He was looking for an envelope addressed to him. Crazy huh. the crazy part is that there was an envelope addressed to him. He handed Doug some of our mail that ended up stuck to his gum as he tried to get his letter out.

Long story short, the Shaffers let him use there address to have disability checks sent to him because he had to move out of his home if he got baptized because he was living with his girlfriend and she wouldn't move out and he couldn't keep living with her if he got baptized. She would keep his checks when they went to their place. He had been homeless so the mail came here. So there ya go, only in "da Bronx'.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow what did Dad think when he caught the guy?