Saturday, August 23, 2008


Today all of our boys spent the day with us. I'm sure even Clint was with us as we hung out and enjoyed the day. Boys day in New York. We thought of you often Clint. We miss you so much. It has been eight years today that you started your mission on the other side, in heaven. We reminissed and laughed as we talked of you today. Brandon mentioned how his little Brecky Clintin, one of your name sakes, reminds him of you. Dusty's little Tryston has that gleem in his eye too. Oh how they are in for a wild, fun and crazy adventure with their little guys. The boys will all be talking in our Sacrament meeting on the topic of Family. We are so blessed to know that we are a forever family. We will be all together again. Be good, keep busy and know that we love you and pray for you always. Sure wish this mom could get a letter or a phone call on Mother's day, but I know you do too. The boys and dad say hi and send all their love.

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