Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Parking tickets solution

We finally found the "other" place to pay our "parking tickets." We could have done it online but remember how the rain washed off the print. We had to go and find out what the amount was. We go in to pay the fine to find a huge room about the size of the cultural hall in the churches in Utah that is surrounded with 33 different windows for paying fines. The center of the room reminds me of the airport. Back to back seating through out the whole room. The monitors next to the ceilings tell you when your number is up at what window you need to go to. After waiting for our number to be called we approach the window to pay our fine and the lady behind the window tells us that we need to go in the "other" room and see the judge. But first we need to get another number for that room. The problem: the cop wrote the wrong code on the ticket so we have to appeal it with the judge. This next room is a little smaller, but more seating that is filled up with bodies. Finally our number is called, Doug goes to the cubical where one of the judges sits, She throws the ticket out because "that cop should have known better than to put the wrong code and he needs to go back to school to learn how to write." Tender Mercy!

But the story doesn't end here. We walk next door to go to Staples to buy some copy paper, Doug is looking out the window at where our car is parked, on the window under the wind shield wiper is a "TICKET". Oh my gosh!!! As we are looking out the window at our car a tow truck pulls up and attaches it self to the car parked in front of us that also has a ticket on the wind shield. Doug races out there to talk to the cop. We should have read the sign that is about 100 feet down the road. No parking. We saw the sign but it was so far away from where we parked and there were 3 other cars parked on the curb some distance back we thought we were okay. Next time - don't think!! This time the cop was actually a nice guy, he reduced the ticket from$110 to $60. Shared with Doug some of his in-sight and told him to get in his car and move it before it got towed.

So..... We were given this suggestion of making a sign that says CLERGY on it and to put it on our dash board when parking and see what happens. Hopefully it will make a difference when we do something we don't know we are doing wrong.


brandee williams said...

You need to finish your story!:)

Updates From The Outback said...

We are excited to learn about your blogspot. You've done a great job. It sounds like everything (except tickets) is going well. Hope your solution works. When you see comments from Updates from the Outback, remeber it is Elder and Sister Shumway.